

Foxgloves bristle, stems shuddering and shimmering

And a big fat hairy arse wobbles out from the lilac purple bell

Bulmm Bulmm bzoo boo buzzum bzzle bzzle Bzzlp Bazzup!


And there he pushes, leaps back out with legs a blur

Hovers, legs heavy with with puff yellow puff collars dangling and wangling

Catching the air oh so briefly then

Woho! Here we go! Hmph! Bumph! Bullawazzawazza!


Back in! Head, first up deep into the purple

Sending the paper cone a quivering

And the surrounding lilac barnacles all abuzz and shivering

Sending them all a flutter - plfplfplfpflppflf


This one’s a victory!

Plenty to take in this one!


He’s ramraiding the insides of the flowerhead

It’s joyous carnage and frenzied, fruitful destruction

Wooar!! Bzz bzz bzz bzzuh!


And then he’s off

The big bumbling heavy arzed blunderbuzz

Launches into the warm summer airSwerves across the garden wall

Along the chapel roof And away...

Colin Stevens


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