Looking at landscape with young eyes
shall we go
the long way round
to the Lion bridge
so that you can scoot
ok I’ll carry the scooter
until we get to the downhill bit
the gravel is difficult isn’t it
have you found a funny stone
it is isn’t it just like a tube
it’s a fossil called a belemnite
are really old yes we can take it home
and show mummy and daddy
they will be interested to see
I wonder if we will find anything else
can you see the deer over there under
the trees
we can do if you like oh off you go then
don’t go too far ahead
go so fast on your scooter I cant keep up with you I am sure
you can do
wheelies but don’t do what you did last time
and look back
while you do it and fall off
wait at the roundabout because we need
to turn left there
to go to the Bridge then we will find a
place for our picnic…..
Yes I know but it doesn’t matter they
will have moved
by the time we reach the gates
are you yes I remember when you and
Sebastien went through the doggy hole I
took that picture I think
so we can have
a look on my phone
we find our picnic spot you are right there is a dog
do you think he is going to go through
yes he has would you really
am not sure mummy and daddy will want a flap
the front door but it would be fun to go in and out
way I don’t think so he couldn’t walk on top of the gates
you are
tricking me they do look realistic don’t they
and that was a
very scary roar yes just like Lion King
you have scared all the crows away no I cant fit through
there I am going through the gate shall
we look over the parapet
I can hold you up look there is hardly
any water
so we wont be seeing any cars splashing
as they cross over
I don’t think the ducks will crash they
will get up and walk wont they
if they were feeling like it but I think they might prefer
to fly over
rather than squeeze through the doggy hole….
shall we find a place for our picnic
that would be nice
but it is right by the path and everyone
will come right past us
grass is long it isn’t prickly no it wont sting
come on lets go over to the nice shady
by those three trees
do you know what kind of tree they are
done yes they are oak trees
if we look
closely we might find some acorns
cheese and cucumber I think mummy said
and teddy crisps no you have got some water
you had blackcurrant earlier didn’t you
well lets put our things down and we can
find a tree
to go behind all right we don’t have to
go to that tree
lets find another one….
How many have you got now
lets count them one two three four five
that’s a good idea I am sure Sebastien
would like some
I can put them in the bag
will you know which are yours
and which are
oh he only
likes big ones does he
we can try and find some more on the way back
shall we take a leaf home as well
no just acorns and the stone
I have got that in the bag
do you see that very big tree
near the roundabout
that has nuts
that we can cook and eat
it is called a sweet chestnut
careful the shells are very prickly
because the prickles
the nuts inside from the squirrels
I suppose lets
see if we can open one up
perhaps using
our feet there
you are look
two flat ones and one nice round one acorns
lets look hard for more acorns….
many lets see
one two three four five six seven eight
oh yes I didn’t see that one
tucked under your thumb
how many is that well done
and you have got some nice big ones
for Sebastien all of them that’s kind
he will be really pleased don’t you want
any of them
idea we can go across the grass to the cars
do a roly-poly on the slope
well maybe you can
it was a long walk
you have done really well
and we have seen lots of things haven’t
don’t think they will be there any more
yes perhaps they have gone for their
we can come and see the deer
another day
Paul Middleton
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