Moments of Movement


Whisper, shimmer, whisker-like on the breath of the wind; shape shifter; preening beak, wing or feather.

Hipperty hop, bibberty bop, pippety pip, what staccato breaks this fluidity, me, me me…pippet!

Rhythm restored, pulsing heart, pumping life, ebb and flow, underworld, outer world, in the world, of the world.

 Squid propelled, to or from, enters my sight.

I follow, fins and flipper footed, accepting your invitation into the depths, to dwell a while in your watery world.

 Rising to the surface for air, the pitter patter, pitter, patter of water on water, rain drops of heaven joins oceanic expanse

 Snail takes cover, withdraws, retreats, hides

 Yet the fern, the flower, the tendril, the thirsty stem, soaks up, drinks down, absorbs your nourishing quench…unfurls, blooming, rises to light, aligns with life, is life…

Bats, elastic shudder in flight, overhead, on the night shift

Moon, star, sun, you rise you fall, things come, things go, time and tide, time and tide, eternal, eternal…

Helen Dye

Image by Alex Perez


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